Review: Is this thing on??? Plowboys BBQ
Published on December 01, 2016 | Category: New Location, Press

*tap, tap tap* Is anyone still there? My how time flies and you keep meaning to write up your adventures but it just doesn’t happen. Such is life.
But! I’m back! Today we tried out a newer BBQ joint downtown! I have driven past a few times and seen this place and have been intrigued. I had decided it was time to try it then this morning I saw a segment on the local morning news that featured them and that cemented the idea.
My choice was Plowboys Barbeque. It sits right on the KC streetcar line with a stop right out front. Since I didn’t know how available parking would be around there, we parked down in the River Market West and rode down. Let me take a moment to say how much I LOVE the streetcar and hope that they continue the line down to the Plaza! It’s so nice to be able to park and ride and there are plenty of free places to park and get on. Enough about the streetcar, on to the meal!
The restaurant is at 12th and Main, right across from City Centre. When you walk in, you go up to the counter to order and they make it right there on the line for you. The problem with those types of places for both Dad and I is that you feel overwhelmed by the choices and rushed, especially if someone is behind you in line. Despite that we both pulled the trigger on what to eat.
I went with the BBQ Nachos. With that you got to choose your meat. Your choices were pulled pork, chicken and brisket. I went with the brisket. They started with a bed of chips, a healthy portion of liquefied cheese and a hearty portion of meat over the top. I believe another helping of cheese was after that. Then topped off with BBQ sauce of your choosing and some sour cream. I chose to have the jalapenos on the side.
The Nachos were an excellent idea. I’m a sucker for some good BBQ nachos and these didn’t disappoint.
Dad went with a sandwich. For his meats he chose ham and brisket. He went sans fries or side dish today besides pickles.
The meat was excellent! It was sliced thick and cooked just right. Especially the ham!
They had 3 choices of BBQ sauce on the table: En Fuego, KC Crossroads and Sweet 180. We didn’t try the En Fuego since we are both wimpy in the spice department. The sweet was delicious and Dad thinks that the KC is exactly what you think of when you think of KC BBQ.
Of course when we were checking out, there was a cookie display and the the frosted sugar cookies were calling my name, so we got one to share.
Look at that thing! Its a thing of beauty. It was bigger in real life than it looks in the picture, I should have stuck my hand in there for scale. The cookie was cooked perfectly and the frosting was also perfect. Mmmmmmm!
It was a very good meal and a very good choice. I can’t wait to go again and try some more of the sides and such. Clearly I could have cut down on some of my inital menu panic had I looked at the menu online beforehand. That’s OK…that just means we need to go back, right?
To view the original review at Lunches with Dad, click here.